BWRT changes the way the brain responds to triggers and enables you to change out-dated, habitual patterns of response in a swift, safe and direct way. It can help with Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, Low Self-Esteem, Phobias and various other psychological issues.
BWRT®’ stands for ‘BrainWorking Recursive Therapy®’, a model of psychology and psychotherapy created by UK professional therapist, Terence Watts, MCGI. It’s a totally confidential method that doesn’t require you to reveal your private information or personal secrets to your therapist, and is carried out in a completely conscious state. It doesn’t use hypnosis or any mystical concepts - it’s completely logical, practical and down-to-earth, and only needs you to know what you want to change in your life for it be completely successful. Only bona fide BWRT practitioners have been trained to deliver BWRT® and all have to adhere to a strict ethical code. You can find out more at
We usually think that we are consciously choosing to act in certain ways, logically thinking through all possible outcomes before making a deliberate choice. However, research has shown that the ancient Reptilian part of our brain responds rapidly to things and begins to direct our behaviour before we've even started thinking about what action to take. For example, if you're driving along and a squirrel suddenly darts out in front of your car, you quickly brake; you don't need to think about the need to brake and then put your foot down, it happens automatically and is instigated by your reptilian brain's rapid response to the situation and activating well-established neural pathways to do with the need for braking and how to do it. BWRT is a solution-focused form of Psychotherapy that changes the way the brain responds to triggers and changes unhelpful patterns of behaviour. By working in the 'cognitive gap' between the habitual reaction to a trigger becoming activated, and that reaction reaching cognitive awareness, it can facilitate rapid, safe and lasting change.
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